Our History
Valpak has been providing simple, innovative environmental solutions to over 4,000 customers since 1997

Sustainability & community impact
In 2024, we achieved several milestones that highlight our ongoing commitment to sustainability, innovation, and community. We were awarded EcoVadis Platinum status, recognising our exceptional sustainability efforts. Our Cupround initiative gained impressive recognition, winning the Business Process Award at the Stationers’ Company Innovation Excellence Awards and being shortlisted for other prestigious awards, including the Letsrecycle Awards for Excellence. Meanwhile, Hannah Osman, National Cup Recycling Manager, was honoured in the 35 under 35 list and made it onto the Resource Hot 100. We also marked a significant achievement with the Renewi Baa-ttery campaign, which won the ‘One to Watch’ award in the Global Good Awards and was shortlisted for the National Recycling Awards. In terms of environmental compliance, we introduced services including the CBAM Compliance Service and the International Reporting service, while contributing to key industry conversations at conferences such as the Letsrecycle EPR Conference and RWM. We supported circular economy initiatives through webinars and Think Circular Live events in Canada and London, and launched multiple sustainability services including Measuring Cotton Consumption Audits and Textiles Horizon Scanning. On the community front, we continued our commitment to social responsibility with initiatives like the LGBQT+ network, community volunteering days, and our partnership with Rubbish Friends for local litter pick campaigns.

A year of continued collaboration
In 2023, we had a busy year filled with new service launches and a strong focus on EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) for packaging, textiles, vapes, and paper cups. We fostered collaborations and established new partnerships, such as with Bower (recycling app), Cupround, Wastebusters, and EnergyBubble. These alliances allow us to provide exciting opportunities to our customers. We successfully introduced various initiatives, including a vape collection scheme, The Cup Box, the Cup Membership Scheme, Better Cotton Initiative Audit service, as well as WhatIf Modelling and Packaging Technology Consultancy services to further enhance our range of sustainable packaging solutions. In addition, our dedicated Consultancy team delivered several reports, including TextilesFlow Phase 1 and a small plastics report for WRAP. They also supported a Digital DRS (Deposit Return Scheme) trial in Brecon.

Celebrating 25 years!
Valpak celebrated its 25th anniversary – hosting a summer party for all staff and a dinner, at the Natural History Museum in London, for key stakeholders. Valpak Consulting produced and contributed to several reports, including Fibre Composite De Minimis, Recycled Content in Caps and Closures, ReLondon’s The circular
economy at work:
Jobs and skills for London’s low carbon future, and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Litter pick. Valpak also launched three new services – Green Claims support, Packaging Analysis, and Packaging Data Request Management, as well as an EPR for packaging online obligation test.

EPR Ready!
Valpak established support services to prepare businesses for upcoming legislation reforms: Plastic Packaging Tax, EPR for packaging, Deposit Return Scheme.
A complete list of 2021 Valpak achievements, projects and partnerships can be found in the interactive 2021 Sustainability Report.

The year of the pandemic
Valpak Consulting carried out a project to isolate the changes in consumption and recycling in 2020 and assess the potential compliance position. Findings can be found in our PackFlow Covid report.

Another busy year for Valpak!
Valpak-sponsored expedition to collect scientific data on marine litter and clean up Henderson Island’s polluted beach. Valpak also provided resource to Keep Scotland Beautiful’s Upstream Battle, which tackled litter along the Clyde. We launched the world’s first zero-carbon battery collection, hosted Plastic Matters seminars and produced the PackFlow Hybrid Model report to highlight key drivers to increasing recycling identified in PackFlow 2025, and to examine which options proposed by Government offer the best opportunity for the UK.

In December, Valpak was acquired by Reconomy, an international circular economy specialist. PlasticFlow 2025 report was produced to help Defra understand levels of UK plastic packaging placed on the market and recycled. Valpak worked with members to assess the UK drinks market and potential Deposit Return Scheme options, which are summarised in a DRS report.

Celebrating 20 years!
In March, Valpak celebrated 20 years of service and experience.
Packaging Market Study (PackFlow 2025) report was published, which assesses the UK’s existing system and identifies opportunities for growing UK packaging recycling, and PRN reform.

The Insight Platform is born
Valpak established a service to raise awareness of and help companies to comply with the requirements of section 54 of the new Modern Slavery Act.
Valpak developed web-based portals, which use client data to help increase supply chain transparency and minimise risk.
PackFlow 2025 report was published, the report was designed to inform Government decision making on EU circular economy proposals on EPR and future WEEE targets.

A focus on metal packaging
New members of the Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP) announced. Adrian Hawkes, Valpak’s Policy Director appointed to represent large compliance schemes taking over from Steve Gough, Valpak’s CEO.
MetalFlow 2014 report was published, the report focuses steel and aluminium packaging supply chain in the UK.

All about energy
Glass target consultation took place and targets were adjusted in line with GlassFlow 2012 recommendations. This adjustment in targets saved the UK approximately £64 million. Plastic Packaging Market Study (Plastic Flow) 2014 report was published identifying lower levels of plastic packaging going onto the market than previously predicted. UK established ESOS Regulations 2014. Valpak launched an Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) service.

Selling the MRF
New 5 year packaging waste recovery and recycling targets became effective from 1 January 2013. These targets included a split glass target and a 5% annual increase in plastic targets.
On 18 February 2013 the assets and business of Valpak Recycling (North West) Limited were sold to JWS Lancashire Limited.
Glassflow 2012 report is published; the report investigates why the UK glass packaging recycling sector experienced a lot of volatility during 2012.

Zero Waste to Landfill
Valpak helped organisations to comply with environmental legislation in over 20 countries.
Valpak was appointed as PAS 141 ( WEEE Re-use ) Scheme Administrator by BIS.
Valpak launched a Zero Waste to Landfill Certification service, to help organisations demonstrate their environmental credentials.

Going global
Valpak set up an International Compliance Service.
Valpak obtained Carbon Neutrality Standard, PAS 2060.

Carbon Reduction
April UK CRC Regulations come into force.
Valpak set up CRC Compliance Service.

Powering up
On 5 May UK Waste Batteries Regulations came into force.
March Valpak launched new UK Green Dot Code of Practice.
Valpak approved as operator of Batteries Producer Compliance Scheme.
Valpak’s head office gained ISO 14001 accreditation and became one of approximately only 10,000 other companies to obtain this in the UK.

Design for a better environment
Valpak sponsored the Royal College of Art Design for a Better Environment award.
Valpak Consulting were involved in the pioneering Glasgow Recycles partnership project.

On 2 January UK Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations come into force.
Valpak was approved as operator of WEEE Producer Compliance Scheme.
Valpak, in partnership with Wincanton, launch the “WEEE recycle-more” campaign in Glasgow. This campaign saw an uplift over 150% in material to the Glasgow Designated Collection Facilities (DCFs).

Valpak Recycling North West
Valpak strengthened its range of compliance and recycling solutions with the purchase of the Waste Management Group (WMG) Material Recycling Facility (MRF) in Preston, which was integrated into the current Valpak Recycling operation. This facility is one of the UK’s leading plastic sorting and grading sites and draws material from across the whole of the UK.

The first PackFlow 2005 research project findings are announced to cement Valpak’s position as the expert on Producer Responsibility issues.

rescape™ recycling banks
Valpak rescape™ recycling banks introduced for high profile locations.
Valpak Data Management service is established.
Valpak Recycling opens a representative office in China.

Commercial glass collection
Valpak sells its ground breaking commercial glass collection business, recycle-more-glass, to the UK’s largest commercial and domestic glass collector and processor Berryman. The scheme collects 60,000 tonnes of glass a year, the equivalent to nearly 200 million bottles and jars.

Shifting focus
Valpak shifts the focus of its operations away from Savannah House in London to a new base in Warwickshire. This decision was reached after consideration of the costs involved in renting a prime location London office, and with a view to making the company more accessible to its nationwide membership. Montague House in Stratford-upon-Avon was officially opened in April.

Valpak further extends its activities by starting up its recycle-more-glass service, collecting mixed glass for recycling free of charge from pubs, clubs, restaurants and bars.

recycle-more.co.uk is launched
recycle-more.co.uk launched to offset members’ Consumer Information Obligations (CIO).
Valpak Recycling is established to specialise in the management of waste.

John Gummer MP appointed as Valpak Chairman
Rt Hon John Gummer MP is appointed as Valpak’s Non-executive Chairman.
First year of packaging waste obligations for affected Great Britain organisations.

UK Packaging Waste Regulations came into force
6 March 1997 new UK Packaging Waste Regulations came into force.
Valpak becomes first Producer Compliance Scheme for packaging.
Organisations affected by the Packaging Waste Regulations register.

Valpak emerges
The Valpak Working Representative Advisory Group was formed. From this group, the concept of the Valpak Packaging Compliance Scheme emerged. It would be a collaborative industry body through which businesses would work together to achieve the recovery and recycling of packaging waste. It would take pressure away from businesses that would find it difficult and time consuming to comply with the legislation.

The Packaging Waste Directive consultation
The UK Government consulted with industry over a 2 year period, so there was time to put forward an agreed proposal on the best way to implement the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.

European Directive on Packaging Waste introduced
The European Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste was introduced in 1994. The Directive put obligations on member countries to recover and recycle 50-65% of packaging waste by 2001.

The Packaging Responsibility Group assembles
The UK Government assembled a group of industry representatives to form the Packaging Responsibility Group (PRG) to assess the impact of the forthcoming Packaging Waste Regulations.
25th-anniversary Dinner
Highlights from our 25th-anniversary stakeholder dinner, which was held in the Natural History Museum’s Earth Hall in November 2022.