Our Commitment to the Environment
Energy saving

71 %
Approximate electricity reduction in Valpak offices between 2010 and 2021

183819 kWh
Since installing solar panels we have generated enough energy to power all Valpak laptops for 8.1 years!

37 %
Saving achieved by installing 218 energy efficient LED fittings in Valpak offices in 2017

16 %
Estimated annual saving (reducing from 240v to 220v) since installation of voltage optimiser

13 %
Energy consumed which was generated by our own solar panels since installation
Waste management
We are focusing on waste reduction, reuse and recycling activities at our offices, allowing us to achieve Zero Waste to Landfill in a variety of ways, including:
Carbon management
Ten committed members of Valpak staff take the reins on improvements around our office in 3 key areas:
- Waste
- Energy
- Travel
The team has come up with a range of environmental initiatives, including “Waste-free Wednesdays“, and continues to think of ideas that can help not only Valpak but all staff to reduce their impact on the environment.
SPEAR stands for Sustainable, Purpose, Engaging, Action, and Relevant.
Valpak’s SPEAR team was set up in 2021 and is made up of volunteer members of staff who have a particular interest in furthering sustainability initiatives within the Valpak offices.
SPEAR team members have to apply to join, so it is a way of bringing together people with different specialities and environmental interests. SPEAR embeds our purpose, mission, vision, and values into everyday life, and has already proved a galvanising force for change in the company.
SPEAR coordinates events and actions for staff throughout the business. For example, staff members are able to take a paid Volunteer Day each year.
We are committed to environmental sustainability and take continuous steps to improve our performance and impact on the environment. This gives our customers confidence knowing that they are working with a responsible business.
Steve Gough CEO, Valpak
Download our Environment Policy
We are certified to ISO 14001 and have a robust Environmental Policy.
Having ISO 14001 and PAS 2060, along with other initiatives, means that we have a robust framework in place to monitor our environmental performance and impact, and allows us to demonstrate that we are committed to a process of continuous improvement.