Is your business registered as a company in the UK (on companies house)?
Note: this online tool is for illustrative purposes. It makes standard assumptions to determine whether you may have an obligation the UK. There are other possible variables, so for a definitive answer please contact us on 03450 682 572. It does not constitute legal or professional advice and must not be relied on as such.
Does your company (or group of UK companies) have a presence that is a legal entity in the UK?
Note: A presence may include a PO box, or office which is used for the purpose of the business.
Did your company (or group of UK companies) have an annual UK turnover of £1 million or more in the previous calendar year?
Note: If your company is part of a UK group of companies then this would be the combined turnover of the group.
Did your company (or group of UK companies) have an annual UK turnover of £2 million or more in the previous calendar year?
Note: If your company is part of a UK group of companies then this would be the combined turnover of the group.
Did your company (or group of companies) supply more than 25 tonnes of your own brand packaging/packaged goods to UK customers in the previous calendar year?
Did your company (or group of companies) pack goods into more than 25 tonnes of packaging, in the previous calendar year, that remained in the UK?
Did your company (or group of companies) supply more than 25 tonnes of empty packaging to companies that have a turnover of less than £2 million and/or which handle less than 50 tonnes of packaging that remained in the UK in the previous calendar year?
Did your company (or group of companies) hire out or loan out more than 25 tonnes of new reusable packaging in the previous calendar year, that remained in the UK?
Did your company (or group of companies) import more than 25 tonnes of packaging or packaged goods into the UK, in the previous calendar year?
Are you a UK-based online marketplace operator? Did you facilitate the supply of more than 25 tonnes of packaging or packaged goods by non-UK businesses in the previous calendar year to UK end users?
Did your company (or group of companies) sell, or supply directly in any other way, more than 25 tonnes of packaged goods to UK household consumers in the previous calendar year (this can include other companies’ branded items, and packaging with no brand)?/p>
Did your company (or group of companies) do any of the below activities in combination to result in you handling more than 25 tonnes of packaging in the previous calendar year?
- Supply your own brand packaging/packaged goods to UK customers?
- Pack goods into packaging?
- Supply packaging to companies with a turnover below £2 million and which handled less than 50 tonnes of packaging?
- Hire out or loan out new reusable packaging?
- Import packaging or packaged goods?
- As an online market place operator facilitate the supply or packaging and/or packaged goods to UK customers by non-UK businesses?
- sell or supply directly in any other way packaging to household consumers (whether that was another brands, goods or unbranded)
Did your company (or group of companies) supply more than 50 tonnes of your own brand packaging to UK customers in the previous calendar year?
Did your company (or group of companies) pack goods into more than 50 tonnes packaging, in the previous calendar year, that remained in the UK?
Did your company supply more than 50 tonnes of empty packaging to companies that have a turnover of less than £2 million and handle less than 50 tonnes of packaging that remained in the UK in the previous calendar year?
Did your company (or group of company) hire or loan more than 50 tonnes of new reusable packaging in the previous calendar year, that remained in the UK?
Did your company (or group of companies) import more than 50 tonnes of packaging or packaged goods into the UK, in the previous calendar year?
Are you a UK-based online marketplace operator? Do you facilitate the supply of more than 50 tonnes of packaging or packaged goods by non-UK businesses per calendar year to UK end users?
Did your company (or group of companies) sell, or supply directly in any other way, more than 50 tonnes of packaged goods to UK household consumers in the previous calendar year (this can include other companies’ branded items, and packaging with no brand)?
Did your company (or group of companies) do any of the below activities in combination to result in you handling more than 50 tonnes of packing in the previous calendar year?
- Supply your own brand packaging/packaged goods to UK customers?
- Pack goods into packaging?
- Supply packaging to companies with a turnover below £2 million and which handled less than 50 tonnes of packaging?
- Hire out or loan out new reusable packaging?
- Import packaging or packaged goods?
- As an online market place operator facilitate the supply of packaging and/or packaged goods to UK customers by non-UK businesses?
- sell or supply directly in any other way packaging to household consumers (whether that was another brands, goods or unbrand)
You are obligated under the EPR for packaging Regulations
Based on your answers, it is likely your company is obligated under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging Regulations to submit data to cover all its packaging activities and to contribute towards recycling costs.
Your company has a legal obligation to comply with the EPR for packaging Regulations.
Producer responsibility is burdensome for many companies. Our tailored services ensure timely, accurate data submissions, with minimum fuss. Our services include:
- Data collection and analysis
- Contacting your suppliers, on site weighing or you can make use of our existing database
- Calculation and analysis of your submission
- Compliance reviews and training workshops
- Support with previous years non-compliance
- Bespoke reporting to help with internal targets
- Help you meet your legal obligation to fund recycling
For guidance and a free information pack on how to comply, call us on 03450 682 572 or contact us here
You are obligated under the Packaging Waste Regulations
Based on your answers, it is likely your company is obligated under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging Regulations to submit data to cover all its packaging activities.
Based on your answers, it is likely your company is not obligated to contribute towards recycling costs.
Your company has a legal obligation to comply with the EPR for packaging Regulations.
Producer responsibility is burdensome for many companies. Our tailored services ensure timely, accurate data submissions, with minimum fuss. Our services include:
- Data collection and analysis
- Contacting your suppliers, on site weighing or you can make use of our existing database
- Calculation and analysis of your submission
- Compliance reviews and training workshops
- Support with previous years non-compliance
- Bespoke reporting to help with internal targets
For guidance and a free information pack on how to comply, call us on 03450 682 572 or contact us here
You are not obligated
Based on your answers, your company is not obligated as a producer under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging Regulations. However, it may have an obligation as a “seller” to report data if it supplies more than 25 tonnes of packaging to an end user in the UK and has an annual turnover of more than £1 million.
If you would like us to keep you up to date with other environmental legislation in the future and work with you to review whether you are obligated each year, call us on 03450 682 572 or contact us here