PackFlow 2025
Whether the UK will achieve the higher Circular Economy (CE) targets under our existing packaging producer responsibility system or whether there is a need for PRN reform forms the basis of this study.
It briefly assesses the UK’s existing system, before those of six leading European countries, identifying opportunities for growing UK packaging recycling and PRN reform. In addition to our existing UK system, two enhanced and one alternative system is presented.
Key points:
- The UK is on course to achieve the 2025 CE targets for metals, glass and paper/card: intervention is likely to be required to achieve the plastics target.
- The UK could benefit from a central communications fund to raise awareness of recycling and maximise use of existing infrastructure.
- Other mechanisms identified that could enhance the existing UK system include a compliance fee and strategic fund for growing infrastructure.
- The 2030 CE targets are challenging for metals and glass (no plastic target yet): PRN reform is likely to be required for targets to be achieved.