Company News & Blog - Page 8

Latest industry news and insights from the Valpak Team

Mobius Loop
Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Implementation of eco-modulated fees in France, the Netherlands and Sweden

In several EU member states, modulated fees have been introduced as an incentive for producers to design packaging that is more readily recycled, to encourage the adoption of an ‘eco-design’ approach and to reduce excessive packaging. Christie Fawke's Blog outlines how France, the Netherlands and Sweden have implemented modulated fees.

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Valpak EPR Logo
Blog, EPR
EPR: What the FNC is DRS?

Along with any new piece of legislation comes another list of acronyms, abbreviations and lingo for us to get our heads around. As imminent Packaging Legislation Reforms will impact many of our customers, Ross More's latest Blog contains a glossary of the latest packaging terminology.

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Article, Compliance, Packaging
Valpak and Aylesbury Granulation Services sign PRN Agreement

As part of its commitment to support and develop the country’s network of smaller specialist recyclers the UK’s largest compliance scheme, Valpak, has announced an agreement with Aylesbury Granulation to support the plastics recycling company in attaining its accreditation to the PRN (Packaging Recovery Note) scheme.

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Blog, Waste Management, WEEE
Waste electronic recycling in the US

Recycling of e-waste has been a growing concern in the US over the past few years. Many states have adopted recycling and take back programs, along with increased public education schemes, to try and improve the levels of recycling of waste electronics. Charlotte Wootton and Emma Trevor, Valpak’s International Account Managers, look at the rules and programs in place in Delaware, Georgia and Montana, just a few of the states that have adopted measures in order to improve the recycling of waste electronics in the US.

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Single use plastics
Blog, International, Plastic Packaging Tax, Sustainability
Single-Use Plastic Ban in the European Union

As a year has passed since the approval of the European Union’s Single-use Plastic Directive, Valpak’s International Account Manager, Abbie Burford, takes a closer look into the requirements of the legislation and how some Member States have already transposed the requirements or how they plan to transpose the regulations in the coming months.

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Results of updated PackFlow materials reports announced

Packaging compliance specialist Valpak (a Reconomy Group Company), together with its key partners WRAP and the Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment (INCPEN), has published updated PackFlow reports which estimate the impact of Covid-19 on UK packaging compliance for 2020 and through to 2022.

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