Company News & Blog - Page 4

Latest industry news and insights from the Valpak Team

Blog, EPR, Textiles
Fashioning a better future: The EU’s Sustainable Textiles Strategy

James Beard, Valpak's Head of Voluntary Compliance summarises the key objectives of the EU’s strategy for sustainable textiles, provides an overview of the significant steps countries like France and Italy have taken to try and establish a circular economy for textiles, and discusses how other countries are likely to follow their lead.

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Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Producers’ obligations under Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging will bring new obligations for businesses that are legally required to comply with the current Packaging Waste Regulations and will cast the net further to obligate some producers that currently don't need to comply. In his latest blog, Henry Smith, Valpak Policy Researcher provides a summary of the various ways different businesses will be obligated.

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Tree Planting
Blog, Volunteering
The Heart of Valpak Forest

On the first volunteering day of the year, Valpak colleagues embarked upon an adventure to plant a variety of trees with the Heart of England Forest at Spernal Hall Farm. Hannah Akhtar, International Account Manager, recounts her experience.

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Blog, Waste Management
Dismantling a growing problem

Environmental issues and health & safety concerns around e-cigarettes and vapes require increased awareness and clear regulatory guidance.

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Blog, International
France’s new EPR for toys Regulation

Over the past few years, France has been adding to its existing list of extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations and one of the more recent additions is the introduction of EPR for toys.

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Single use plastics
Blog, International
Malta’s Single-use Plastic Ban

Lucy Dolan, International Account Manager, reviews Malta’s Single Use Plastic Ban, just one of the various international goals which have been put into place to reduce Single Use Plastics (SUP) and protect the oceans.

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Blog, Energy
A step closer to ESOS Phase 3 compliance

With the next qualification and compliance dates looming for the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, Ian Guest, Valpak Environmental Compliance Consultant offers advice on the steps that need to be taken to ensure compliance and urges businesses to act now.

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Plastic Ocean Pollution
Blog, Packaging
The UN Plastics Pollution Treaty

With delegates currently meeting in Uruguay to discuss the UN Plastics Pollution Treaty, Valpak Policy Researcher, Henry Smith outlines the aims of the Treaty, why industry collaboration is key, and the importance of involving the UK's waste and resources sector in its development.

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Sports Equipment
Blog, International
France’s Extended Producer Responsibility for sports and leisure legislation

France has introduced Extended Producer Responsibility for sports and leisure legislation, which means that producers selling or planning to sell sports and leisure goods in France are likely affected. Lucy Dolan, International Compliance Advisor provides an overview of which businesses are obligated, what products are in scope, and the penalties for non-compliance.

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