Waste Management - Page 2

recycling centre sign
Blog, Waste Management
Together We Recycle

To mark Recycle Week, James Beard's latest Blog reflects on the support and flexibility Valpak and its suppliers provide to customers, even during challenging times for the waste management industry.

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Blog, Waste Management
EA RPS C8 on Waste Transfer and Consignment Notes

Managing waste and getting it off site safely is a challenge at the best of times, but even more so during the current crisis. It’s been pleasing to see how well the waste management industry has reacted in general to the situation and there has now been further help from the regulators to help maintain social distancing as much as possible for frontline workers when transferring waste.

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Blog, Compliance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Waste Management
Registration Deadline Extension – RPS C9

The Environment Agency released Regulatory Position Statement C9, which signals an extension of the registration deadline for packaging producers who were unable, for reasons relating to the strain put on businesses by the COVID-19 pandemic and Government’s home working advice, to successfully register as a producer, either directly or through a compliance scheme, on or before 7 April 2020.

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Blog, Recycling Evidence, Waste Management
Offset compliance cost with own waste PRNs: Are you taking advantage of high PRN rates and being paid a fair rate for your packaging waste?

If your business is obligated under the Packaging Waste Regulations, and cardboard and plastic waste is collected from the business's site(s), you could potentially offset some compliance costs via own waste Packaging Waste Recovery Notes (PRNs). Matt Luntley, Commercial Account Manager, explains more in his Blog...

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Blog, Zero Waste to Landfill
Beyond Zero Waste to Landfill

In recent years, the UK has witnessed a trend for companies racing to claim their zero waste to landfill status. However, dig below the surface and it is often the case that ‘zero waste to landfill’ is achieved by switching from one form of disposal (landfill) to another (Energy from Waste (EfW)). Although EfW is indeed a form of recovery and higher up the Defra waste management hierarchy, is this really the end goal and is the ‘zero waste to landfill’ badge enough?

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Valpak’s Fortnightly Industry News Update keeps me informed of the ever changing legislation and up to speed with what is going on within the industry. I find it to be a useful source of information that is presented to me in an easy to use format.
