EPR - Page 2

Blog, EPR, Packaging, Plastic Packaging Tax
UK – a brave new world in a European context

Abbie Burford, Commercial Account Manager, looks at how various European countries meet EU packaging waste requirements and uses her knowledge to predict the shifts businesses may see (in terms of UK environmental compliance reporting and obligations), as a result of forthcoming Extended Producer Responsibility legislation and the Plastic Packaging Tax.

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Bulky Waste
Blog, Compliance, EPR
Can EPR help do some heavy lifting with bulky waste?

The Government has listed bulky waste in the Resources and Waste Strategy as a potential target area. Ben Richardson discusses the challenges associated with this waste stream, potential focus areas and how Extended Producer Responsibility can tackle the issues.

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Fishing Gear
Blog, EPR
Ghosts of the Abyss

James Beard's latest Blog highlights the impact of ghost fishing gear on the world's oceans and marine life, and discusses ways to alleviate damage caused by these waste products.

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Blog, EPR
Extended Producer Responsibility in the Middle East: Jordan

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) has been introduced in countries across the world in order to make manufacturers and importers of goods accountable for what happens to their products at the end of their life. Emma Trevor, Valpak’s International Account Manager, looks at how EPR has been implemented across the middle east. In the second blog of this series, she explores the current waste management situation in Jordan.

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Israeli Flag – IC
Blog, EPR
Extended Producer Responsibility in the Middle East: Israel

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) has been introduced in countries across the world in order to make manufacturers and importers of goods accountable for what happens to their products when they reach end of life. In this blog series, Emma Trevor, Valpak’s International Account Manager, looks at how EPR has been implemented across the middle east, starting with Israel.

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Mobius Loop
Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Implementation of eco-modulated fees in France, the Netherlands and Sweden

In several EU member states, modulated fees have been introduced as an incentive for producers to design packaging that is more readily recycled, to encourage the adoption of an ‘eco-design’ approach and to reduce excessive packaging. Christie Fawke's Blog outlines how France, the Netherlands and Sweden have implemented modulated fees.

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Valpak EPR Logo
Blog, EPR
EPR: What the FNC is DRS?

Along with any new piece of legislation comes another list of acronyms, abbreviations and lingo for us to get our heads around. As imminent Packaging Legislation Reforms will impact many of our customers, Ross More's latest Blog contains a glossary of the latest packaging terminology.

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Global Supply
Blog, EPR, International
Producer responsibility news from around the world

As the world begins to return to a “new normal”, the evolution of producer responsibility continues. Abbie Burford, Valpak’s International Account Manager, takes us through some of the headline news within international compliance from the last three months.

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Valpak’s Fortnightly Industry News Update keeps me informed of the ever changing legislation and up to speed with what is going on within the industry. I find it to be a useful source of information that is presented to me in an easy to use format.
