Packaging - Page 2

Mobius Loop
Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Implementation of eco-modulated fees in France, the Netherlands and Sweden

In several EU member states, modulated fees have been introduced as an incentive for producers to design packaging that is more readily recycled, to encourage the adoption of an ‘eco-design’ approach and to reduce excessive packaging. Christie Fawke's Blog outlines how France, the Netherlands and Sweden have implemented modulated fees.

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Article, Compliance, Packaging
Valpak and Aylesbury Granulation Services sign PRN Agreement

As part of its commitment to support and develop the country’s network of smaller specialist recyclers the UK’s largest compliance scheme, Valpak, has announced an agreement with Aylesbury Granulation to support the plastics recycling company in attaining its accreditation to the PRN (Packaging Recovery Note) scheme.

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Blog, International, Packaging
Packaging waste obligations in Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand, although over 9,000 miles away, are prime markets for producers and distance sellers. Roxana Filetoth, Valpak’s International Compliance Lead, discusses the obligations different companies might face.

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Blog, Compliance, Packaging
Monitoring activity of producers by EA increase

The Environment Agency has increased monitoring by 95% of registered packaging producers in 2019 compared to 2018. They also investigate those that are potentially obligated by the regulations. Taran Rai, Senior Environmental Compliance Advisor talks about how companies check that they are obligated and what options they can take to start complying.

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Blog, Compliance, Packaging
A day in a life at a paper mill – Valpak visits supplier DS Smith

At Valpak, we work with a number of reprocessors to meet our members’ packaging waste obligations and are very fortunate to enjoy some great relationships with suppliers across the country. Last month, a team from Valpak were kindly invited to DS Smith Paper’s Kelmsley Mill, in Kent, to witness first hand their recycling process that sees a staggering 820,000 tonnes of card and paper recycled each year at this site alone.

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