Blog - Page 7

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Blog, Recycling
Does your business own recycling sites? Update recycle-more’s Bank Locator to boost UK recycling

Valpak owns and hosts the UK's most comprehensive recycling facility locator, which can be updated by any organisation that owns recycling locations. Annika Collins discusses the importance of keeping this valuable consumer resource up-to-date and how making the existence of recycling sites more prominent will help to improve UK recycling rates.

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Global View
Blog, International
Producer responsibility evolves globally

Despite the strangest of times we now find ourselves in, waste legislation continues to evolve and change across the globe. Roxana Filetoth, Valpak’s International Compliance Lead, brings you some highlights of recent legislative updates.

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Blog, International, Packaging
Packaging waste obligations in Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand, although over 9,000 miles away, are prime markets for producers and distance sellers. Roxana Filetoth, Valpak’s International Compliance Lead, discusses the obligations different companies might face.

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Blog, WEEE
POPs in WEEE: Updated Guidance

The Environment Agency has updated their guidance to waste operators and exporters on how to classify and management some fractions of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). George Atkinson, Valpak’s Policy Advisor, outlines what is new.

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Blog, Compliance, Packaging
Monitoring activity of producers by EA increase

The Environment Agency has increased monitoring by 95% of registered packaging producers in 2019 compared to 2018. They also investigate those that are potentially obligated by the regulations. Taran Rai, Senior Environmental Compliance Advisor talks about how companies check that they are obligated and what options they can take to start complying.

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Data Management
Blog, Data insights, Sustainability, UK Plastics Pact
Data at the Core UK Plastic Pact

With the third data submission for the UK plastic Pact due on the 26 June 2020, it seemed a suitable time to provide you with an update on how Valpak is working with WRAP as one of the data partners for the pact.

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Valpak’s Fortnightly Industry News Update keeps me informed of the ever changing legislation and up to speed with what is going on within the industry. I find it to be a useful source of information that is presented to me in an easy to use format.
