Blog - Page 11

Blog, International
Could your business be affected by environmental legislation overseas?

Producer responsibility legislation is in place within the EU, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) region, Japan, Australia and the United States of America (USA); therefore, there are increasingly fewer countries you can sell to without having to consider producer responsibility legislation!

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Blog, Zero Waste to Landfill
Beyond Zero Waste to Landfill

In recent years, the UK has witnessed a trend for companies racing to claim their zero waste to landfill status. However, dig below the surface and it is often the case that ‘zero waste to landfill’ is achieved by switching from one form of disposal (landfill) to another (Energy from Waste (EfW)). Although EfW is indeed a form of recovery and higher up the Defra waste management hierarchy, is this really the end goal and is the ‘zero waste to landfill’ badge enough?

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Blog, Zero Waste to Landfill
What Zero Waste to Landfill could mean for your business

Customers and other stakeholders are also placing ever increasing pressure on organisations to be “environmentally friendly”, so diverting waste from landfill and achieving Zero Waste to Landfill is a great way of demonstrating your commitment to the environment. But what does this mean and how does my business achieve it?

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Valpak’s Fortnightly Industry News Update keeps me informed of the ever changing legislation and up to speed with what is going on within the industry. I find it to be a useful source of information that is presented to me in an easy to use format.
