
Supporting Strongbyte Solutions t/a VoCoVo to achieve Zero Waste to Landfill Certification

VoCoVo is a leading provider of innovative communication solutions, specialising in wireless headsets and devices for retail, hospitality, and warehousing sectors. Their products are designed to improve team communication, enhance customer service, and boost operational efficiency.

VoCoVo Headset

VoCoVo is committed to minimising its environmental impact and promoting sustainability across its operations. As part of its environmental strategy, VoCoVo set an ambitious goal to achieve Valpak’s Zero Waste to Landfill Certification. This certification aligns with the business’s broader commitment to environmental stewardship and reflects its dedication to implementing sustainable waste management practices.

VoCoVo sought third-party certification to:

  • Validate their efforts and commitment to sustainability
  • Gain credibility and trust with stakeholders, including customers, employees, and partners
  • Identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with best practices in waste management

VoCoVo commissioned our Zero Waste to Landfill team to guide them through the process of achieving certification.

Landfill site

Preliminary audit and recommendations
In August 2023, we conducted a preliminary audit to identify the necessary actions for the Zero Waste to Landfill Certification. Key recommendations included:

  1. Implementing a waste data recording system: we advised VoCoVo to establish a system for accurately recording their waste data.
  2. Ensuring compliance with waste licenses and permits: we verified that their waste contractors had the correct licenses and permits to manage specific waste streams.
  3. Collecting evidence on waste treatment: we recommended collecting detailed evidence from waste contractors to understand how each waste stream is treated.
  4. Improving waste paperwork: we provided guidance on how to ensure that all waste paperwork, including Waste Transfer Notes and Hazardous Waste Consignment Notes, is completed correctly.

Further improvements in waste management
We also suggested the following actions to enhance their waste management:

  • Incorporating WEEE recycling data: including their Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling and reuse data in the certification process to improve their waste hierarchy performance.
  • Introducing clear signage: implementing consistent and clear signage across the site to facilitate proper waste segregation.
  • Engaging staff in recycling efforts: reporting recycling performance to the wider business to encourage staff participation.
  • Maximising plastic waste recycling: investigating avenues to recycle plastic wrap rather than disposing of it via energy-from-waste (EfW) incineration.
Valpak Zero Waste to Landfill Logo

In May 2024, we conducted the Zero Waste to Landfill Certification audit. VoCoVo passed with flying colours because they had implemented or were actively working on all the recommendations from the preliminary audit. They demonstrated:

  • A clear understanding of the types of waste produced and the fate of each waste stream
  • Improved communication with their key waste contractor, leading to discussions about consolidating all waste streams with them for better waste data visibility and management
Landfill and Tree

Additional support and results

Beyond Zero Waste to Landfill, we set VoCoVo up with a dedicated Key Account Manager. This will improve communication and help identify new areas where our services could further assist VoCoVo in their sustainability journey.

VoCoVo’s achievement of the Zero Waste to Landfill Certification is a testament to its commitment to sustainability and its effective partnership with Valpak. By implementing recommended actions and continuously improving waste management practices, VoCoVo has not only achieved certification but also set a strong example of environmental responsibility in its industry.

We are proud to have played a key role in supporting VoCoVo’s sustainability goals and look forward to continuing our partnership to drive further environmental improvements.

Valpak's Zero Waste to Landfill Certification service has helped us transform our waste management practices. The comprehensive audit laid the groundwork for significant improvements, guiding us to implement a robust waste data recording system to ensure compliance with all necessary waste handling regulations. Achieving ZWTL Certification in May 2024 was a milestone for us, reflecting our commitment to sustainability and our continuous pursuit of operational excellence.
