MetalFlow 2014

A review of the quantity of aluminium and steel packaging placed on the market (POM) and recycled in 2012. The study also projects future POM figures and recycling rates to 2020.

Key points:

  • New estimate of UK aluminium packaging POM for 2012 is 178k tonnes, an increase of 16k tonnes from the previous estimate suggesting the UK achieved a 35% recycling rate in 2012, lower than the previous estimate of 38%
  • New estimate of UK steel packaging POM for 2012 is 524k tonnes, a decrease of 121k tonnes from the previous estimate suggesting the UK achieved a 68% recycling rate in 2012, higher than the previous estimate of 55%
  • The aluminium estimate was found to be equivalent to the data reported by obligated companies under the Packaging Waste Regulations, suggesting that non-obligated POM accounts for 0% of aluminium packaging in the UK
  • The steel estimate was found to be 36k tonnes higher than data reported by obligated companies under the Packaging Waste Regulations, suggesting that non-obligated POM accounts for 7% of steel packaging in the UK